Today, Sunday December 27 – Romans 1 – Before we can begin to understand and realize how wonderful the Good News is, we must come under the gloom and power of the bad news! Honestly, that’s really the main story line of the Bible! The bad news begin in the Garden of Eden when Adam disobeyed God and sin entered the human race and mankind was separated from God and everything and everyone came under the curse of sin! Romans 8 tells us that even creation itself groans under this curse waiting for the day of redemption and restoration. The bad news is that we are born sinners, condemned to spend an eternity of punishment apart from God. But the Good News, the Gospel, is that God loves us and has provided a way of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ! In the opening pages of the Bible, we have both the bad news and the Good News! Because God promised Adam and Eve that the “seed of the woman would bruise the head of the serpent, and in doing so, His heel would be bruised.” (Genesis 3:15) On the cross the “seed of the woman”, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was bruised for our transgressions and through His death, “destroyed him who the power of death, that is the devil.” (Hebrews 2:14-15) This great salvation is available to anyone and everyone, who will by faith, believe and trust Jesus for this great deliverance from their sins! Today, as we close out an old year and prepare to begin a new one, make sure you have received this Good News by faith and know that your sins are forgiven!!!!!! God bless!!
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