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January 13 2021

Writer's picture: Pastor MikePastor Mike

Today, Wednesday January 13 – Romans 3:21-31 – Up to this point in Romans the Apostle Paul has been hammering home the fact that we are all sinners and the only way we can be made righteous before a Holy God is by grace through faith! But how can the holy God declare sinners righteous? Is justification merely a “fictional idea” that has no real foundation? In this passage and in Romans 4, Paul answers these questions in two ways. First he explains justification by faith, and then he illustrates justification by faith from the life of Abraham. (Romans 4:1-25)

I’ll never forget when I was attending my first year at Lynchburg Baptist College (Now Liberty University) in 1971, my theology professor was Dr. Elmer Towns. He made this statement, “Our great salvation takes place in our hearts in a split second of time when we by faith trust Jesus Christ to be our Lord and Savior. And then we will spend the rest of eternity finding out and understanding what happened in that split second!” He also taught us that the most concise passage in the Bible that explains this great salvation is found in Romans 3:23-26! So for the next few days we will be looking at this passage.

I trust today that you have personally experience God’s free gift of salvation by faith! My salvation birthdate is February 21, 1971. Almost fifty years ago! Nothing has been the same since! Everything changed for me! And for these fifty years I’ve done my best to share this gift with others! God bless! Have a great day!

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