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Writer's picturePastor Mike

January 22 2021

Today, Friday January 22 – Romans 4 – In the first three chapters of Romans we have learned that we are guilty sinners under the condemnation of God’s wrath. It’s in chapter 4 that we are introduced to the reason a holy God can declare us righteous and without sin before Him. It is found in the word "accounted" in verse 3 – “Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him as righteousness.”

The word “accounted” is also translated in our English Bibles - “counted”, “reckoned”, and “imputed”. These words all mean the same thing. What we learn in this passage is that we are declared sinners because Adam’s sin has been "imputed" or in other words, they have been put on our account. Before salvation God sees us in Adam, with his sins and ours sins, on our account sheet before Him. When in verse three it says, that "righteousness was accounted to Abraham" because he believe, it means that "God's righteousness" was now on his account.

Here's the truth we need to grasp! When Jesus was on the cross, God placed all the sin of the world upon Him! God then poured out His wrath upon His own Son as He hung on the cross and Jesus took the full punishment for sin. He paid the sin account completely! That's why He said just before He died, "It is finished." The price for our salvation was now paid in full! So, when we receive Jesus and what He did for us on the cross, God can then "impute", "account", the righteousness of God onto our account. My sin was placed on Jesus, His righteousness has been placed on me! Now God sees my account of sin has been paid and I can stand before Him as though I have never sinned! Wow!!!!!!

2 Corinthians 5:21 "For God made Jesus to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him!

Have you ever received this free gift of God's righteousness? If not, today would be a good day to believe and accept this wonderful gift! God bless!

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