Today, Wednesday March 10
Romans 12:1-2 – A Transformed Life
Life is about relationships! God created us to have a relationship with Him. After God created man, He created woman to have a relationship with the man and God. God created the family and society to enjoy relationships with each other. We are naturally relational and from the very beginning of our lives we desire to be close to someone else and feel accepted and loved.
But because of the curse of sin, what God intended to bring us great satisfaction, security and joy, often times becomes the greatest source of pain and suffering in our lives. Over the years, I have become convinced the greatest pain and suffering we experience in our lives is emotional not physical! And the feeling of rejection, not being accepted for who I really am, is almost more than we can live with.
A broken relationship can literally destroy us if we let it. But thank God, there is a cure and a remedy for broken relationships! We are born with a broken relationship with God, but God has supplied a cure! His name is Jesus and the redemption that is provided through His death and resurrection. The moment we believe and receive His cure we experience “transformation.” We become a new creation! It really is unexplainable! The word transformation is the same as the word “metamorphosis”.
This same word was used when Jesus was “transfigured” before the disciples on the mount. (Matthew 17:2) We use this word to describe what happens when an ugly caterpillar goes into the cocoon of death and comes out a beautiful butterfly!
This is exactly what happens when your receive God’s salvation through Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). And this “transformation” can also take place every day as we say no to the world and yes to Jesus by renewing our minds in God’s Word by the power of the Holy Spirit! Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
Have you ever experience this miraculous “metamorphosis”?
Come to the Cross of Jesus today and trust Him to be your Savior!
God bless!