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Writer's picturePastor Mike

March 22 2021

Romans 12:3 – The Basis for Unity

“For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.”

In Romans 12 and 13, we are looking at our relationships with God, with others in the church, with our enemies and with the government,. Our relationship with God begins with us presenting our body, mind and will to the Lordship of Jesus Christ (vs. 1-2). A good and healthy relationship with others in the Body of Jesus Christ begins with humility (v. 3).

Forgive me, for somehow or another, overlooking this very foundational verse that introduces us to the seven primary spiritual gifts that God has given to the members of the local body of Christ, the church.

Paul first points out, that it is only through and by the grace given to him that he is able or qualified to speak on this subject. It was not because he was better than anyone else, or more deserving than anyone, that he was given this privilege to share these special words of instruction to the church.

Second, Paul makes it clear that this word is for “everyone among you”. One bad apple can spoil the whole barrel of apples. It only takes one person with the spirit of pride to ruin the unity and harmony in the fellowship of believers.

“Not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to”, means that we cultivate the spirit of humility, knowing that anything we are given to serve in the church, is only by the grace of God. It is only by God’s grace that we are given our spiritual gifts, and that we are also given the measure of faith we need, to exercise those gifts in our relationship to others.

There can be no unity without humility! Honestly, this is true for every relationship we have, in the home, in the church, at work and in our community. May the Lord help us today to deal with the pride of our hearts and pursue the spirit of humility!

God bless!

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