Remembering The Sacrifice
John 15:13
“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.”
Today, here in America we are celebrating Memorial Day! I decided to take a break from our study in Revelation 13 to make sure we do not forget those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could have the privilege of living in what I still consider to be the greatest nation on earth today! The United States of America!
I realize that America today is a very divided country with multiple issues that are tearing us apart. But still hundreds of thousands of people around the world are willing to leave the land of their birth, and their families, to come and live in this country. We don’t have fences and borders to keep people in but to guard and safeguard and give security to our citizens. We should always and do welcome people from all over the world to legally come into our great country and become productive citizens.
But what we have and enjoy in this country, and that the rest of world envies, came at a great price. Beginning with the Revolutionary War and up to the present conflicts that our military personnel are involved in, I am told that over 1,354,664 have died as they served our country. This doesn’t even begin to count the millions who were wounded and came home with both physical and emotional scars.
We should also remember that since 9/11, 21 years ago, that over 30,000 active military personnel and veterans have taken their own lives by suicide after they came home.
The emotion pain and suffering of all these families who have lost a father or mother, a brother or sister, a son or daughter, or a close relative or friend is unimaginable!
Please take the time today to pray for them and acknowledge the sacrifice these families have made for all of us!
We must forever be thankful and grateful to these who have given their lives because of their love for their families, their country and for the sake of freedom. Jesus said that there is no greater love than this!
God bless!