365 Ways to Know God by Elmer Towns
(Devotional Readings on the Names of God)
For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the
church; and He is the Savior of the body.
Ephesians 5:23
Salvation means that you are in Jesus and He is in you. At conversion Jesus came into your heart to become a part of your life. At the same time, you were placed into His Body (the universal church) to become a part of Christ. “You in Me, and I in you” (John 14:20). All those in Christ are saved, because He is the Savior of the Body. If you are in Him, then you are saved. Have you invited Christ into your life?
Lord, I have asked You into my heart and You saved me. Thank You
for coming into my heart to become a part of my life. Also, I thank
You for placing me into Your body to be a part of Your life.
Jesus is the Savior of the Body. When you were placed into His body, you were saved from
your past penalty of sin, and from the future punishment in Hell. And today, you are being saved from servitude to sin. Jesus has a wonderful plan for each one in the Church. He wants you love Him, serve Him, and worship Him. Think about it! Jesus has a great and wonderful purpose for your life.
Lord Jesus, thank You for a new purposeful life. Because I am in You,
I will try to do Your will today. Because You are in Me, give me strength
to do Your purpose. I need Your power today. Amen.
Reading: Isaiah 53:8-12
Key Thought: You are in Jesus and He is in you.