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365 Ways to Know God by Elmer Towns December 15

365 Ways to Know God by Elmer Towns

(Devotional Readings on the Names of God)






Those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven.

1 Peter 1:12


The Third Person of the Trinity is the Holy Spirit Sent from Heaven. He came upon the believers in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost; they had been praying for ten days. When He came upon them in power, they witnessed to unsaved people and more than 3,000 people believed in Jesus Christ and were baptized (Acts 2:41). If you need power to witness, seek the Holy Spirit Sent from Heaven. He can fill you with His divine presence so that people will be saved through your influence.


Holy Spirit, come upon me today. Show me what I must do to win my

unsaved friends to Christ. Use my testimony to draw people to Jesus

Christ. Use my words to motivate people to salvation.


You need the power of the Holy Spirit Sent from Heaven. Just as the Holy Spirit used the witness of the disciples on Pentecost, so He can use you. But just as they were faithful in prayer, you must intercede for your lost friends. Just as they searched their hearts to repent of secret sin to be effective vessels, so you must be clean and useable. The Holy Spirit was sent from Heaven to convict people of sin and draw them to salvation. Let Him use you today as a witness.


Holy Spirit, show me anything that hinders my witness and I will

repent and receive cleansing by the blood of Jesus. I want to be

used by You to bring people to Jesus. Amen.


Reading: John 15:26-27

Key Thought: The Holy Spirit was sent to use you in soul winning.

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