365 Ways to Know God by Elmer Towns
(Devotional Readings on the Names of God)
“The voice of the LORD is over the waters; the God of glory thunders; the LORD is
over many waters. The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is full
of majesty. The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars, yes, the LORD splinters the
cedars of Lebanon. The voice of the LORD divides the flames of fire. The voice
of the LORD shakes the wilderness. And in His temple everyone says, ‘Glory!’”
Psalm 29:3- 5, 7, 9
The Holy Spirit speaks to people in many ways; He speaks through inner urges, through prophets, and through miracle workers. The Holy Spirit speaks through the Scriptures. But constantly He speaks through the natural world, because the heavens and stars speak for Him (Psalms 19:1-6). A powerful hurricane may be God’s voice of judgment, or a powerful storm may be His classroom to teach you spiritual lessons. You may be facing financial storms, vocational storms, family storms, or the storms of temptation. When the Holy Spirit allows troubling storms in your life, the storms can be the Voice of the Lord.
Holy Spirit, make me listen to Your voice in the rain and
in the storms of life. Help me become sensitive to Your
message; then help me do what You command.
The Holy Spirit speaks to you through intermediate agencies of tornadoes and floods. You
don’t know what trouble is heading your way, but the Spirit knows. You need to stay close to
Him. He can prepare you for the coming storms, just as He can take care of you in the storms, and He can lead you out of the storms. He can make you victorious in spite of the storms. So when the winds begin to blow, don’t struggle; listen for the Voice of the Lord.
Holy Spirit, I don’t want storms in my life, but if they must come; I’d rather
have a stormy day with You, than a calm day without You. Amen.
Reading: Psalm 29
Key Thought: The Holy Spirit can speak to you through storms.