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365 Ways to Know God by Elmer Towns November 11

365 Ways to Know God by Elmer Towns

(Devotional Readings on the Names of God)





“And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write, ‘These things says the Son of

God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet like fine brass’” (Revelation 2:18).


Jesus is The Son of God who is the judge of all humanity, both believers and unbelievers. He judges all sin the same. Your sin was judged in the past at Calvary; the unsaved will be judged in the future. No one can hide from His flaming eyes of judgment; no one can run from His brass feet of judgment. The Son of God gave Himself for sin, but the unsaved won’t come to Him for forgiveness, so they will meet Him in judgment. Also, the saved that keep on sinning will be judged by the One with Flaming Eyes.


“O Son of God, I know I am forgiven, but sometimes I sin ignorantly. Forgive me now by Your blood (1 John 1:9).”


The Son of God With Flaming Eyes and Feet of Brass will see and understand the motives of all believers. You cannot hide from Him the fleshly sin of fornication or the doctrinal sin of heresy. He has all-seeing eyes, so He knows all about the iniquity in your life. Jesus has feet that run quickly to judge sin; you cannot get away with anything. You must deal with your sin before Jesus judges it.


“Lord, I come daily searching my heart for hidden sin, I confess them—forgive me. I

repent of sin and commit myself to live a godly life—cleanse me. I want to live a

blameless life—help me. Give me wisdom to recognize temptation in my life, and give me strength to overcome it. I want to please You. Amen.”


Reading: Rev. 2:18-29

Key Thought: Deal with your sin because Jesus knows about it.

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