Today, Wednesday February 17
Romans 8:1-17
I’ve often said that the most miserable person on the planet is not the unbeliever, the pagan, the atheist or the person who has never heard about a God of love Who sent His Son to die on a cross for our sins and give us eternal life. But the most miserable person, is the believer who has truly experienced God’s great salvation through Jesus Christ but is still living a fleshly, carnal, worldly life! They can’t enjoy the world anymore because they now know better, and they can't enjoy the blessings and benefits of the Spirit-filled and Spirit-led life because of selfish disobedience!
The verses before us today teach and remind us that we are no longer “debtors to the flesh to live after the flesh…” (v. 12) In other words, as believers we have no obligations to the flesh. Now our obligation is to the Holy Spirit. It was the Holy Spirit who convicted us and showed us our need of the Savior. It was the Spirit who imparted saving faith, who implanted the new nature within us, and who daily witnesses within that we are the children of God. What a great debt we owe to the Spirit!
Christ loved us so much, He died for us; the Spirit loves us so much, He lives in us! Daily He endures our carnality and selfishness; daily He is grieved by our sin; yet He loves us and remains in us as the seal of God and the “down payment” (2 Corinthians 1:22) of the blessings waiting for us in eternity. And in verse 9 we are told, “That if we do not have the Spirit of Christ living in us, we are not a child of God”, no matter what we think we might have experienced.
The moment we will to obey and submit to the truth of God’s Word, the Holy Spirit will energize our body to give us the same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead, to enable us to fulfil God’s divine and holy purpose for our lives! (v. 11)
God bless!!!!