Today, Saturday January 9 - Romans 2:6-16 - No doubt, we all have our opinions and thoughts about the major issues that are being played out in our world and our country both politically and socially. I sure have mine! And, if you are like me, you might often wonder how did we get into such a mess and how is it ever going to be straightened out! And honestly, I'm not sure my opinion really matters that much and if I would share it, I would probably have people that would really like it, and others that would definitely disagree and be turned off. So, on this chat, I've tried to refrain from sharing my thoughts and opinions about all the craziness going on in the world around us and focus on what I do know to be the truth and reality that can only be found in God's Holy Word, the Bible! Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away but My Word abides forever." I can only see what people do externally and judge them by that. But in our passage in Romans today, God sees the very secrets of every heart and will judge them as either guilty of violating His Word, or innocent because they have chosen to believe and receive His Gospel. Romans 2:16 "In the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel." There is nothing hidden from God!!!!! My first response, is to keep my own heart and life pure and clean by the Gospel, which is the Good News, that Jesus loves me, died for me, in my place for my sins, and rose again the third day. God will hold everyone accountable one day and my next responsibility is to love and pray for everyone, even the ones that I might totally disagree with! May the Lord give me grace to do this today! God bless!
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