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Writer's picturePastor Mike

January 16 2021

Today, Saturday January 16 – Romans 3:23-25 – The story line and theme of the entire Bible could rightly be called, “Redemption.” From Genesis to Revelation we have revealed to us God’s marvelous purpose and plan of restoring His sinful human creatures back into a relationship with Himself. Today we want to look at this wonderful word redemption as it is shared in this passage:

Romans 3:24, “Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus…” Remember, to be justified is to be brought into a “right standing” before a holy God. To have the “righteousness” of Jesus Christ placed on our account! This is on account of God’s “grace”, that we don’t deserve, being “freely” given to us. God definitely is a God of love and grace, but He can’t, and does not give us this grace simply because He loves us. He can only give it through His “redemption” plan that we find accomplished through Christ Jesus.

There are three aspects of God’s plan of redemption. The picture we find in this beautiful word “redemption” is very revealing. Mankind is like a slave that is in bondage to a terrible master and has been put on the auction block to be sold. We are in bondage to sin and Satan! A price has to be paid to get us out of this slavery! And the price is high! It means the death of a perfect, sinless sacrifice. Jesus paid that price with His death on the cross. The second aspect is that we are taken out of the slave market personally. When we receive this free gift of salvation through Christ, God removes us from the bondage of sin and transfers us to a new Master! His name is Jesus! The third aspect is that we are set free! John 8:32 & 36 “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” “And if the Son shall set you free you shall be free indeed.”

God can only forgive us, remove us, and release us, freely by His grace, because the “redemption” price has been paid!!!! Have you ever receive this great gift of God’s grace? If not, why not today! Right Now! God bless!

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