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Writer's picturePastor Mike

July 14 2024

Sunday July 14

“How Long Will You Neglect to Go?”


Joshua 18:1-3 

1 Now the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of meeting there. And the land was subdued before them.

2 But there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes which had not yet received their inheritance.

3 Then Joshua said to the children of Israel: "How long will you neglect to go and possess the land which the LORD God of your fathers has given you?


First let me thank you for your prayers yesterday for my grandson Luke. He went through the surgery well and they were able to temporarily do something to relieve the leaking fluid pressure off his brain. We did see a few smiles on his face on facetime video with him, but the major surgery will have to be done again within a week to try to do something that will be more permanent with the shunts. So please continue to pray for him and also for his parents Chris and Kimberly as they go through this difficult time with him.


Yesterday I happened to be watching the Trump rally in Pennsylvania live. Like everyone else, I was shocked by what was unfolding in front of my eyes. It was almost surreal! I am so thankful that Mr. Trump was not serious injured in this assassination attempt. I am very sorry for the person who was killed and am praying for his family and friends. This should be a wakeup call to all Americans and especially for believers. America is broken because people are broken. There is only one answer and solution for broken people and that is the love of God that can only be found in Christ Jesus.


If there was ever a time that believers need to get off the bench and live out their Christian faith as lights in this dark world, it is today! It is time for all believers to claim their inheritance in Christ and live victorious lives over sin, the flesh, the world, and the devil. This is what Joshua was challenging the remaining seven tribes to do at Shiloh.


In Joshua chapters 13 through 17, five tribes now had been given their inheritance as Joshua, Eleazer, and the twelve tribal leaders cast lots at Gilgal. Then Joshua moved the camp to Shiloh, in the territory of Ephraim, where the tabernacle remained until David moved the Ark to Jerusalem (2 Sam. 6). The Lord must have directed Joshua to make this move or he would not have done it (Deuteronomy 12:5-7). Shiloh was centrally located and was more convenient for all the tribes.


Seven tribes still had to have their inheritance marked out for them, and apparently, they were slow to respond to the challenge. Unlike Caleb and the daughters of Zelophehad, these tribes didn't have faith and spiritual zeal. These tribes had helped fight battles and defeat the enemy, but now they hesitated to claim their inheritance and enjoy the land God had given them.


It is like so many that are going through the motions of being a Christian. They go to church, they sing the songs, they show up for the concerts and special events, but they never share their faith, never serve in some ministry in the church, never give to missions or even regular offerings. They appear to be spectators and fans just sitting on the sidelines and never getting in the game.


Joshua challenged these seven tribes by asking them, "How long will you neglect to go and possess the land which the LORD God of your fathers has given you? That is the question we need to answer today! What is it going to take to wake us up? How long are we going to sit on the sidelines? It has always appeared to me that only a handful of believers are claiming their inheritance and carrying the load in our churches, while the majority of people are too busy with their own agenda and lives to get involved.


May the Lord give us grace, courage, and strength to stand up for Jesus in these crucial days!


God bless!

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