Saturday July 27
Joshua Reminds the People
Joshua 23:1-10
1 Now it came to pass, a long time after the LORD had given rest to Israel from all their enemies round about, that Joshua was old, advanced in age. 2 And Joshua called for all Israel, for their elders, for their heads, for their judges, and for their officers, and said to them: "I am old, advanced in age.
3 You have seen all that the LORD your God has done to all these nations because of you, for the LORD your God is He who has fought for you. 4 See, I have divided to you by lot these nations that remain, to be an inheritance for your tribes, from the Jordan, with all the nations that I have cut off, as far as the Great Sea westward. 5 And the LORD your God will expel them from before you and drive them out of your sight. So you shall possess their land, as the LORD your God promised you. 6 Therefore be very courageous to keep and to do all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, lest you turn aside from it to the right hand or to the left, 7 and lest you go among these nations, these who remain among you. You shall not make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause anyone to swear by them; you shall not serve them nor bow down to them,
8 but you shall hold fast to the LORD your God, as you have done to this day. 9 For the LORD has driven out from before you great and strong nations; but as for you, no one has been able to stand against you to this day. 10 One man of you shall chase a thousand, for the LORD your God is He who fights for you, as He promised you.
Thank you so much for your prayer for Luke! He went through a very complicated surgery yesterday. They actually placed two shunts in his brain, with two tubes running down to his stomach to drain the excessive brain fluid. The surgeons believe it was successful, and we were able to spend some time with him afterwards and he appeared to be doing fine. It was obvious that he was experiencing pain from the extensive surgery, but we did get a few smiles out of him still. He had an MRI late last night to see if everything was working properly but we won’t know the results until later today. Again, thank you, thank you for your prayers!
We got back home in Sneads Ferry NC very late last night and it is apparent that I’m running a little late this morning. Please forgive me!
In Joshua 23-24, Joshua is giving his last words to the leaders and the nation of Israel. In verses 1-2, he calls them together either at Shiloh or at his home in Ephraim. Later in Joshua 24:1, he would call them together again at Shechem for some more final words. In verses 3-4, Joshua reminds the people what the LORD did for Israel. From the day that Israel left Egypt, the Lord had fought for His people and delivered them from their enemies. He drowned the Egyptian army in the sea and then defeated the Amalekites who attacked the Jews soon after they left Egypt (Ex. 17). The Lord defeated all of Israel's enemies as the nation marched toward Canaan, and He gave His people victory over the nations in the Promised Land.
This review of history reminded Israel of two great facts: Those Gentile nations were God's enemies and therefore must be Israel's enemies; and the same God who overcame the enemy in the past could help Israel overcome them in the future. God had never failed His people; and, if they would trust Him and obey His Word, He would help them completely conquer the land. "For the Lord your God is He who has fought for you" (Josh. 23:3). This is a good reminder to God's people today. As we read the Bible and see what God did in the past for those who trusted Him, it encourages us to trust Him today and face all our enemies with courage and confidence. From age to age, God may change His methods; but His character never changes, and He can be trusted.
In Joshua 23:5-10, Joshua gives the people the LORD’s message. The secret of Joshua's success, and therefore the reason for Israel's victories, was his devotion to the Word of God (vv. 6, 14; see 1:7-9,13-18; 8:30-35; 11:12,15; 24:26-27). He obeyed God's commandments and believed God's promises, and God worked on his behalf. But even more, his devotion to the Word of God enabled Joshua to get to know God better, to love Him, and to want to please Him. It isn't enough to know the Word of God. We must also know the God of the Word and grow in our fellowship with Him. Israel entered and conquered the land as the fulfillment of God's promise, but their enjoyment of the land depended on their obedience to the Law of the Lord. God would enable them to claim all their inheritance if they would obey Him with all their hearts.
In verses 7-8, we see the importance that Israel remain a separated people and not be infected by the wickedness of the Gentile nations around them (see Ex. 34:10-17; Deut. 7:2-4). Joshua warned them that their disobedience would be a gradual thing. First, they would associate with these nations in a familiar way; then they would start discussing their religious practices; and before long Israel would be worshiping the false gods of the enemy. The Jewish men would then start marrying women from these pagan nations, and the line of separation between God's people and the world would be completely erased. Imagine the folly of worshiping the gods of the defeated enemy!
All of us feel the pressures of the world around us, trying to force us to conform (Rom. 12:1-21; 1 John 2:15-17); and it takes courage to defy the crowd and stay true to the Lord (Josh. 23:7). But it also takes love for the Lord and a desire to please Him (v. 8).
May the LORD give us grace today to take heed to His Word in every area of our lives!
God bless!