“The Life That Makes an Impact” Colossians 3:1-4 If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.
Years ago I heard Pastor Rick Warren, most known for his best seller, “The Purpose Driven Life”, make a statement I will never forget. “You can live life on one of three levels. Most of the world lives on the level of Survival, just working and living to survive another day. Another group, mostly in the developed countries of the world like America, live on the level of Success. They live to have “more” every day. But there are some people who have chosen to live on the level of Significance. They are living to make a lasting and eternal impact on the people in the world around them.”
Think about that! What level are you living on? Paul lived on the level of significance, and was about to play a major role in “turning the world upside down” in his own day. I had the privilege of spending a day with a world renown missiologist in Dubai UE several years ago. I asked him the question, “How could the Apostle Paul plant growing churches in so many different cities, in totally pagan cultures, so that within a period of year or two he could come back and appoint elders as the spiritual leaders of those churches. Dr. Thom Wolf, (author of “The Universal Disciple Pattern”), without hesitation responded, “The Book of Colossians”.
Paul, in this wonderful book of Colossians, reveals the steps in producing followers of Jesus Christ that mature quickly in their walk with God in such a way that they are able to reach and disciple others. Epaphaus and Philemon are prime examples of this. Paul led them to faith in Christ and then, within a few short months, he took the time to teach them the basics of growing into spiritual maturity. They then went back to their hometown of Colossae and did the same with their families and friends and the rest is history! A church is planted and a book is written that has blessed the whole world ever since!
If there are no believers in the community around us, our first task is to lead others to a saving faith in Jesus Christ through living and sharing the Gospel. If there are believers, then our task is to help grow them into spiritual maturity so they can also reflect the glory of God and bring others to Christ.
I pray that you will read and study this book of Colossians with me and together we can make a significant and lasting impact on the world around us!
God bless!
Wow! That is absolutely powerful. I’ve always loved the prayer in Colossians but never realized how the book as a whole makes disciples. Lord, help me to be a disciple maker.