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Writer's picturePastor Mike

December 14 2020

Today, Monday December 14 – James 5 – Today we will conclude our study in the book of James. The last two verses of this book reveal the real intent and motivation of James for his readers. The whole book is about being a spiritually mature follower of Jesus Christ. This is one who lives a life of effective and fervent prayer that produces a patience with life’s situations and a patience with others. A genuinely mature follower of Jesus will live out his or her faith with grace, mercy and love and not just talk about it. They will also have the wisdom that comes from above so that they know how to be at peace with others and not be fighting with them. This kind of life and witness will have the powerful effect of impacting those in their life who have “wandered away from the truth” and influencing them to turn back to the narrow path that leads to life. What greater accomplishment in life can you have, than to know, that you have “saved a soul from death and have covered a multitude of sins.” Wow! What a finishing word to a great book! What path are you on? Are you influencing others for eternity? Some people live simply to survive. Some people live just to be successful. But the best way to live, is for a life of significance! Making a difference in the lives of others! God bless!

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